Where The Wicked Read.... My Spot To Talk About, Review, Share My Love Of Books, and Anything Else That Comes To Mind..

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Title: The Fight for Us & Inappropriate
Series: Bristol Island Tales

Author: Elizabeth Finn

Genre: Contemporary Erotic Romance

Hosted By: DRC Promotions

The Fight for Us:

When Isaiah moves his teenage daughter Natalie to a new town, there is little doubt he’s running away from the past. But what should have been a fresh start for them ends up fraught with pain and heartache when Natalie becomes the victim of intense bullying at her new school.    
When Joss is called to a meeting with the high school principal to discuss her daughter Harper’s involvement in the bullying of a new student, she’s shocked to say the least. Her daughter can’t possibly be that child.    
It’s a rocky start for Joss and Isaiah as they try to set their daughters on the right path. But there is more to Joss’s and Isaiah’s connection than just two teenage girls. Joss’s and Isaiah’s attraction to one another is undeniable, regardless of their fractious start. But his soul is broken, and as much as he’s drawn to her, he’s equally terrified of what that means.    
Is Isaiah strong enough to let her get close to him?    
Life sometimes forces you to make those choices whether you’re ready to or not. And when Joss’s life is turned upside down, Isaiah has to decide if he’s ready to leave his past behind and live again, or if he’s going to watch what he’s come to care so much for slip away. Isaiah’s fight is profound. Joss’s is too. And their strength to withstand it all is brutally tested.    
Sometimes the willingness to fight for another is all a person has left to give. And sometimes the fight is the most important gift of all.

Buy The Fight For Us

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Cohen is a man apart on Bristol Island—an outcast loved by all but separated by his position within the community. Dylan is the newest resident in town, but she arrives with a dark secret and a desire to keep it buried.  
But when burning attraction is thrown into the mix, his job and her secrets are quickly forgotten—that is until one impetuous decision renders a relationship off-limits, unethical, and utterly inappropriate.  
Living next door to one another on the island’s isolated peninsula guarantees their paths will cross time and time again. With fate tempting Cohen to ignore his conscience and, for the first time in his life, gamble with the rules, will he risk everything for Dylan?  
And what happens when Dylan’s past suddenly catches up to her? Will she find the strength to bare her soul to him? Or will she let her secrets take them both down?  
Sometimes the inappropriate relationship is the most appropriate of them all.

Buy Inappropriate

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About the Author


Elizabeth Finn is a multi-published contemporary romance author. Her passion is creating stories packed full of believable conflicts, characters who leave you rooting for them, and romance that might just short-circuit your e-reader. She likes her characters flawed, but they always find the best part of themselves on their journey. And her readers find themselves devoted to her honest and heartfelt voice.  

Connect with Elizabeth Finn


Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Hold Me_1600x2400

HOLD ME (Twist Me, #3)

A Dark Erotic Novel

Anna Zaires 

Release Date: 2015

Sign up for Anna's newsletter at www.annazaires.com to be notified when the book becomes available.


Captor and captive. Lovers. Soul mates.

We’re all that and more.

We thought we were past the worst of it. We thought we finally had a chance.

We thought wrong.

We’re Nora and Julian, and this is our story.

Pre Order HOLD ME

“What did you dream about?” I ask softly. “Was it Beth?”

“No.” She shakes her head, and I see that her breathing is beginning to return to normal. Her voice, however, still holds echoes of horror as she says hoarsely, “It was you this time. Majid was cutting out your eyes, and I couldn’t stop him . . .”

I try not to react, but it’s impossible. Her words hurl me back to that cold, windowless room, to the nauseating sensations I’ve been trying to forget for the past several days. My head begins to throb with remembered agony, my half-healed eye socket burning with emptiness once again. I feel blood and other fluids dripping down my face, and my stomach heaves at the recollection. I’m no stranger to pain, or even to torture—my father believed that his son should be able to withstand anything—but losing my eye had been by far the most excruciating experience of my life.

Physically, at least.

Emotionally, Nora’s appearance in that room probably holds that honor.

It takes all of my willpower to wrench my thoughts back to the present, away from the mind-numbing terror of seeing her dragged in by Majid’s men. “You did stop him, Nora.” It kills me to admit this, but if it weren’t for her bravery, I would probably be decomposing in some dumpster in Tajikistan. “You came for me, and you saved me.”

I still have trouble believing that she did that—that she voluntarily placed herself in the hands of psychotic terrorists to save my life. She didn’t do it out of some naive conviction that they wouldn’t harm her. No, my pet knew exactly what they were capable of, and she still had the courage to act.

I owe my life to the girl I abducted, and I don’t quite know how to deal with that.

“Why did you do it?” I ask, stroking the edge of her lower lip with my thumb. Deep down, I know, but I want to hear her admit it.

She gazes at me, her eyes filled with shadows from her dream. “Because I can’t survive without you,” she says quietly. “You know that, Julian. You wanted me to love you, and I do. I love you so much that I would walk through hell for you.”

I take in her words with greedy, shameless pleasure. I can’t get enough of her love. I can’t get enough of her. I wanted her initially because of her resemblance to Maria, but my childhood friend had never evoked even a fraction of emotions Nora makes me feel. My affection for Maria had been innocent and pure, just like Maria herself.

My feelings for Nora are anything but.

“Listen to me, my pet . . .” My hand leaves her face to rest on her shoulder. “I need you to promise me that you will never do something like that again. I’m obviously glad to be alive, but I would sooner have died than had you in that kind of danger. You are never to risk your life for me again. Do you understand me?”

The nod she gives me is faint, almost imperceptible, and I see a mutinous gleam in her eyes. She doesn’t want to make me mad, so she’s not disagreeing, but I have a strong suspicion she’s going to do what she thinks is right regardless of what she says right now.

This obviously calls for more heavy-handed measures.

“Good,” I say silkily. “Because next time—if there is ever a next time—I will kill anyone who helps you against my orders . . . and I will do it slowly and painfully. Do you understand me, Nora? If anyone so much as endangers a hair on your head, whether it’s to save me or for any other reason, that person will die a very unpleasant death. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes.” She looks pale now, her lips pressed together as if to contain a protest. She’s angry with me now, but she’s also scared. Not for herself—she’s beyond that fear now—but for others. My pet knows I mean what I say.

She knows I’m a conscienceless killer with only one weakness.


Twist Me (Twist Me, #1)
Twist Me_1600x2400
Kidnapped. Taken to a private island.

I never thought this could happen to me. I never imagined one chance meeting on the eve of my eighteenth birthday could change my life so completely.

Now I belong to him. To Julian. To a man who is as ruthless as he is beautiful – a man whose touch makes me burn. A man whose tenderness I find more devastating than his cruelty.

My captor is an enigma. I don’t know who he is or why he took me. There is a darkness inside him – a darkness that scares me even as it draws me in.

My name is Nora Leston, and this is my story.

Keep Me (Twist Me, #2)
Keep Me_1600x2400-2
 Abducted at eighteen. Held captive for 15 months.

It reads like one of those headlines. And yes, I did it. I stole her. Nora, with her long dark hair and silky skin. She’s my weakness, my obsession. 

I’m not a good man. I never pretended to be one. She can love me, but she can’t change me.

I can, however, change her.

My name is Julian Esguerra, and Nora is mine to keep.

About the Author
anna zaires

Anna Zaires fell in love with books at the age of five, when her grandmother taught her to read. She wrote her first story shortly thereafter. Since then, she has always lived partially in a fantasy world where the only limits were those of her imagination. Currently residing in Florida, Anna is happily married to Dima Zales (a science fiction and fantasy author) and closely collaborates with him on all their works.

After graduating from the University of Chicago with a degree in Economics, Anna spent eight years on Wall Street analyzing stocks and writing research reports. In 2013, she became a full-time author, pursuing her lifelong dream of writing romance novels.

Dima Zales is the love of her life and a huge inspiration in all aspects of her writing. Every book Anna writes is a product of their unique collaborative process. 

In addition to reading and writing, Anna enjoys drinking tea (coconut oolong, anyone?), watching addictive TV shows, and discussing book ideas during long walks with her amazing husband.

She loves hearing from her readers, so please don't hesitate to contact her through her website or connect with her on Facebook, where she hangs out way too often. Also, please visit her husband and collaborator, Dima Zales, at www.dimazales.com and check out their fantasy & science fiction books.

Connect with Anna 


love 2



About The Author

Stan Hampton, Sr. is a full-blood Choctaw of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, a divorced grandfather to 13 wonderful grandchildren, and a published photographer and photojournalist. He retired on 1 July 2013 from the Army National Guard with the rank of Sergeant First Class; he previously served in the active duty Army (1974-1985), the Army Individual Ready Reserve (1985-1995) (mobilized for the Persian Gulf War), and enlisted in the Nevada Army National Guard in October 2004, after which he was mobilized for Federal active duty for almost three years. Hampton is a veteran of Operations Noble Eagle (2004-2006) and Iraqi Freedom (2006-2007) with deployment to northern Kuwait and several convoy security missions into Iraq.

His writings have appeared as stand-alone stories and in anthologies from Dark Opus Press, Edge Science Fiction & Fantasy, Melange Books, Musa Publishing, MuseItUp Publishing, Ravenous Romance, and as stand-alone stories in Horror Bound Magazine, The Harrow, and River Walk Journal, among others.

In May 2014 he graduated from the College of Southern Nevada with an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Photography – Commercial Photography Emphasis. A future goal is to study for a degree in archaeology—hopefully to someday work in and photograph underwater archaeology (and also learning to paint).

After 13 years of brown desert in the Southwest and overseas, he misses the Rocky Mountains, yellow aspens in the fall, running rivers, and a warm fireplace during snowy winters.

As of April 2014, after being in a 2-year Veterans Administration program for Homeless Veterans, Hampton is officially no longer a homeless Iraq War veteran, though he is still struggling to get back on his feet.

Books By SS Hampton, Sr.

Halloween Night, 2006 – a resupply convoy commanded by the Air Force and escorted by Army gun trucks, is leaving Kuwait for Baghdad. The lonely desert highway north is MSR Tampa, a bloody highway along which for years the convoys suffered insurgent attacks. And on MSR Tampa there is a particular wooded bend that no one speaks of, though many know of its haunted reputation, a reputation given new life by a gun truck crew testing a new generation of enhanced night vision goggles

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During the Iraq War supply convoys rumbled out of Kuwait every day, bound for Baghdad. These convoys traveled on MSR Tampa, one of the most dangerous roads in the world, battling insurgent ambushes and IEDs. It is on one such convoy that an IED took out a gun truck and wounded Specialist Ken Adams. His gun truck commander took the fight to nearby insurgents, but in the aftermath he committed a disrespectful act. In the following weeks the entire gun truck crew was stalked by something unknown, and they disappeared one by one, until only Ken Adams was left, cornered in Las Vegas

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Musa - Amazon - BN

December 1941 – the German offensive has ground to a frozen halt before an ominous forest encircling Moscow, and a German patrol seeks to discover what secrets the forest hides…

December 1941, and fresh Siberian troops from the Soviet Far East have launched savage counter-attacks against the German invaders. The Eastern Front is torn open with German units driven back, overwhelmed, or isolated. An exhausted Waffen SS infantry platoon outside of Moscow needs to know what the Siberians, hidden in a dark forest before them, are up to. A small patrol is sent into the snowy, otherworldly forest.

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While on much-needed R&R leave from Iraq, Corporal Ronnie Edson enjoyed a night with a beautiful woman. He thought that would be the end of it, but on the flight back to Iraq, he sees an impossible sight: the woman dancing on the wing of the plane. She's come for him, and she won't leave without him.

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SPOTLIGHT: The Celtic Fan by Deanndra Hall

Title: The Celtic Fan
Author: Deanndra Hall
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Tour Host: DRC Promotions


“Reaching for my right hand, she placed it gently but firmly above her left breast, and held it there with a warm, velvety hand. I could feel her heart throbbing, almost hear its rhythm. “You’re already in here, Steve Riley,” she said calmly, her voice as light and soft as angel’s wings. “But where am I?” Her eyes searched my face, looking for an indication of my inclination, any clue of how I’d respond.
 “It’s been six years, Diana,” I whispered into her hair. I struggled, my mind trying to collect the words I needed to say, to say them the right way, to mean them when I said them. “Do you really want me to be the one? Are you sure it should be me? Are you really ready?”
 I remember pulling her close again, lightly kissing her eyelids, her cheeks, her lips. If I’d held my hand a half inch above any area on her body, I’m sure a current would’ve passed between us that could power all of Ashville. Her hair was everywhere, as was mine, and she trembled slightly in my arms as I stroked the mass of blond waves. I looked down at the length of our bodies intertwined, appreciating the beauty of her white skin against my darkness. Several strands of our hair lay together on my chest, and I couldn’t help but make a mental snapshot of the moment, the shiny blond and the glossy dark brown hair wrapped and twisted into one strand, our legs and bodies fused into a solid oneness. I twirled the hair together, as though that would keep us locked in each other’s arms permanently.
  As erotic as the night had been, there had been no hesitation, no embarrassment, not a single apology, and there had been nothing dirty or vulgar or obscene about it. It was incredible, but it was also more than wild animal sex, and we both knew it. I kissed her shoulder, then drew her arm out and kissed down the inside of its length. That’s when I noticed it for the first time, her arm turned just the right direction in the candlelight. On the inside of her left wrist was a tattoo of a tiny Celtic fan.
 We were like two fifteen-year-olds, exploring each other’s bodies, acting as if we alone had discovered the oldest pleasure known to man, were the only ones to realize that penises and vaginas fit together. There was a wonderment, a sparkle to it all, and even after all the women I’d been with, I felt as though Diana had stolen my virginity, as though she was the very first woman with whom I’d ever become one.”


The Celtic Fan
It's a number one bestseller on every list. It's a love story for the ages. And it's a mystery.
At least its author is. Nick Roberts has never been seen. He doesn't do interviews. He doesn't answer fan mail. He doesn't do late-night talk shows, or book signings, or conferences. No one knows who he is. Everyone's looking for him; websites have been set up offering rewards for finding him.
Four old friends plan their annual road trip. It's been a toss-up every year, with each being different (and some not so good). But this year Russ's idea is to find Nick Roberts. With an address stolen from the accounting files of the publishing house, the four friends set out to find the elusive Roberts and make names for themselves. And as three begin to get distracted - Russ by women, Michael by liquor, and Jim by porn or who knows what - only one stays the course: Steve Riley, a journalist from Knoxville, is determined to find Roberts and land the story of the century.
His dedication to his mission is complicated by a deluge, a flash flood, and an obviously incorrect address. But as time has its way, Steve begins to wonder if his trip will be successful in any other ways. And if his suspicions are correct, what will he do?
Even more unsettling is the real question: If he finds Nick Roberts, will he tell?
Set in the foothills of the beautiful Smokey Mountains, The Celtic Fan is two stories - the story of a journalist following his biggest story ever, and of a wounded soldier and the girl with whom he falls in love post-World War II. Throughout the pages, Bill and Claire's tragic tale winds its way through Steve's story, a story he never thought he'd tell.

The Writing of The Celtic Fan…

 In the summer of 2000, my then-teenage daughter took a trip to Europe with a high school group. She hadn’t been gone twenty-four hours before I had an idea. I’d been writing for years, but I’d never been able to work up the nerve to write a book. So I set out to do just that.
 I began writing and, as I did, the words began to pour out of my fingertips. They were so passionate and lovely that I couldn’t stop. I wrote in a frenzy because I knew that once my daughter walked back into the house, I’d go back into “full-time mom mode” and that would be it – it would never be finished.
 I wrote. I wrote for three nights and four days. Without sleeping. Barely eating. Only occasionally getting up to go to the bathroom or stretch. Writing was all I did. And I finished it the day before she was set to return. Late that evening, after a nap, I opened the file and read through it. I’d assumed that, considering the way in which it was put down, it would be a four door, brass-plated disaster, and I was shocked to find that it was both clear and beautiful. Then I closed the file, caught up all of the things I was supposed to do while she was gone, picked her up from the airport, and never looked at it again.
 In the next five years I devoted an enormous amount of time to writing, but I never went back to the book.
 Time passed. I’d stored the files on three and one-half inch floppies. Somewhere along the line, I had one of those hideous Zip drives, and they got moved around to those cartridges too.
 Several years and three computers later, to my horror, I found that the files were gone. I looked everywhere, scoured old floppy disks, searched through old hard drives. Nothing. They had vanished, lost in the technological shuffle.
 Oddly enough, in mid-October 2013, over thirteen years after I’d first written this book, I was telling my partner about it. I’d never even mentioned it to him before, and after I explained the plot, I lamented, “It was really, really good. I wish I still had it.”
 And then, on Halloween night – Samhain to me – he was recounting his trip to our ancient county courthouse that day and telling me about a clock crashing down from the wall, almost hitting a lady passing by. He said one of the security guards commented, “Yeah, we’ve had lots of poltergeist activity today.” We laughed about it.
 But as I went to bed, I had a sudden thought: I’d bought a brand-new external hard drive, and it occurred to me that, although I backed up my files every night, I’d never checked to see if they really were backed up. I went back to my computer to check and found that they had not transferred, and my heart froze. I had to back them up. What if lightning struck? I’d lose everything I’d been working on, including several completed manuscripts. So I manually copied files, then opened the external hard drive to check and see if they were really there. I went to the search bar and typed in “writing.”
 Up popped dozens of files, things I couldn’t identify. I stared at them in disgust, wondering what junk they could possibly be and where they could’ve possibly come from. I opened one that seemed particularly odd, and gasped.
 There they were. The book; four books, in fact. All of the short stories. All of the poetry. Everything I’d wondered about, looked for, lost – all on a brand-new external hard drive.
 To this very moment, I still have no clue how they got there. No one was more surprised than I, and I began to cry to the extent that my partner came to see what was wrong. I couldn’t believe it. It didn’t make sense, and yet there they were. I made note of where they were located, closed the files, shut down the computer for the night, and went to bed, barely able to sleep.
 It was with shaking hands and a racing heart that I opened the file for The Celtic Fan the next morning and had the distinct, unimaginable joy of seeing these words intact and as beautiful as they were initially, a full thirteen years since their original writing.

Buy The Celtic Fan




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“There was a current, a flow, when we were together that I’d come to appreciate. It rolled and slipped and slid here and there between us, holding us together in our passion. I could feel it when I touched her, a palpable thing, meandering and lyrical, its own entity. When my hands left her body, they felt drawn again as if there were a magnetic pull, and my palms ached until I pressed them against her flesh again. She felt it too, I could tell, and let it breathe in and out of her, pouring itself into every gap, every crack, every crevice where our bodies didn’t meet, following the path of least resistance, binding us together with every stroke, every whispered moan, every touch. I loved that house, that room, that bed, but inside her was my true home.
I wanted to be sure of one thing. I wanted to be confident that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, Diana Nicole Frazier belonged to me. I already belonged to her, body and soul. She owned parts of me no other woman had even seen, things I didn’t know existed. I wanted her to believe and never doubt that we would be together. I wanted to give her something that would hold her to me until fall, until we could make the big decisions. Finding that thing, that way to cement us together, was my goal for the week.
She pulled my face to hers and kissed me, but I couldn’t stand it, couldn’t contain it. I stretched out on top of her, my arms around her, and sobbed out loud, all the love and pain and fear and joy wrapped up together in my embrace. Her tears were silent, but they filled her eyes and ran down her cheeks, falling into her hair and wetting it, wetting my hair too. I was home, and I didn’t want to leave.
Inside her, everything was right again, and for the first time in weeks my heart stopped aching.”



About The Author

For as long as I can remember, I've been a writer . . .
and it has served me well. I wrote for local publications, wrote marketing and advertising materials, wrote for academic publications, and eventually grew jaded with the writing profession as I often watched others take credit for my hard work. I retreated into the world of 3-D art in the fiber and textile mediums and hid out in a world of colors and textures. But, truth is, there was always a story or two in my head. It wasn't until Nikki and I met in my imagination that I decided it was time to let those stories out, and I'm glad I did. My readers now get to enjoy the fruits of my imagination and, believe me, it runs wild!
On the personal side, I've been happily married to my lover and best friend for over thirty years, and I have two wonderful adult kids who've blessed me with two excellent choices of life partners. When I'm not writing, I'm playing with my three crazy little dogs, hiking in a local recreation area, kayaking, working out at the gym, tending my herbs, cooking, or doing some kind of research.
But I'd really rather be writing!

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Thursday, February 12, 2015


Series: The McKenzie Brothers
Author: Kimberly Nee
Genre: Historical Romance
Tour Host: DRC Promotions

About The Series

The Pursuit, Book 1
Born into privilege, Katherine Bainbridge never thought the day would come when she would be happy to find work as a maid. But having fled London to avoid being tried, convicted and hanged for murder, she will take whatever work she can get—even if the offer comes from the most beautiful man she has ever seen.
Garrett McKenzie needs to staff his new home, but when he sees Katherine the position that comes to mind does not involve mops and buckets. Determined to woo his lovely new maid into his bed, he will do whatever necessary to keep her there.
But when Katherine’s past comes back to haunt her, Garrett will do whatever he has to in order to prove that she can trust him with her life, as well as with her love.

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Playing With Fire, Book 2
The last place Heather Morgan thought she’d find herself was in a house of Eros. There she waited to be sold to the highest bidder as a way to pay off her father’s mountain of debt to the proprietor of the gaming house holding the auction.
Drew McKenzie had no intention of buying a mistress. But something about the delicate beauty with chestnut hair and gold-flecked dark eyes stirs something inside him. He's been hurt before and isn’t willing to risk his heart a second time.
But when Heather's scandalous past is exposed, Drew must choose between his love for Heather, or his family’s honor. Caught between the two, Drew realizes what it means to be playing with fire.

Buy The Book

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A Perfect Lady, Book 3
When a night of passion leads to scandal, Rebecca Alexander has but one option; marry the man responsible for her downfall, or be cast from her prominent family. Unfortunately, all she can recall from that fateful night is the man’s name, and the memory of remarkable seductive skill.
American sea captain James McKenzie is no stranger to scandal, but this one comes with an angry father. One with the means to make James right his wrong. Faced with the choice between marrying Rebecca or being pressed into the Navy, James reluctantly takes a wife he neither wants nor needs.
As they journey from the West Indies to America, Rebecca and James realize there is something between them, something even stronger than their desire for one another. And if James’s past doesn’t come back to haunt him, he might even discover that his wife is indeed, a perfect lady for him.

Buy The Book

Musa - Amazon - BN - Smashwords

Windemere, Book 4
Thou shalt not covet thy best friend’s sister. For Julian McCallister, those words are easier said than done. But no matter how much he might wish otherwise, he is determined to keep Emma at arm’s length.
However, Emma McKenzie believes arm’s length is too far. For as long as she can remember, she’s been in love with Julian. It’s unfortunate he sees her as nothing more than Garrett's younger sister. Not to mention, she doesn’t believe the gossip that surrounds him, or the rumors of madness and murder regarding the tragedy in his past.
But that tragedy haunts Julian and when he and Emma are caught up in a scandal, it threatens not only the peace he’s finally found in her arms, but quite possibly her life as well.

Buy The Book

Musa - Amazon - BN - Smashwords

About The Author

Kim fell in love with historical romance when she was sixteen, and blames Kathleen Woodiwiss for that, since it was her The Flame and the Flower that got her hooked. Not long after finishing it, she sat down to write one herself and now, many years later, here she is.
Kim lives in New Jersey with her husband and their two children. When she's not pounding away at the computer keyboard, she does crossword and Sudoku puzzles, knits, breaks up the occasional wrestling match between the kids, and whenever she can find a few free minutes, she reads. She's also an avid fan of the New York Yankees, New York Giants, and the New York Rangers. She also loves Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Elton John, and the Rolling Stones.

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Thursday, February 5, 2015



Ricochet: Locked and Loaded (Ricochet, #1)

Heather C. Leigh

Releasing March 30, 2015


Rick "Ricochet" Brennan served eight years as an elite Marine special ops Force Recon soldier. After an injury, and the terrible memories from that night, he retires and goes to work for his former Command Officer, Howard "Mack" McEvoy, at his training center in Atlanta.

Sanctum MMA appears on the surface to be a normal gym, training elite fighters to be the best. Except each trainer, hand-picked by Mack, possesses a special background that allows Mack to run one of the best-kept secrets in the country.

When twenty-four year old Quinn Wallace finally escapes her abusive husband, she turns to her father’s old Marine Corps buddy, Mack, for help. Broken and skittish, Quinn finds herself surrounded by large, intimidating men— men who could easily overpower her. She avoids them the best she can, but when Rick turns out to be more than just a rough fighter with bruised knuckles, she finds herself wondering if she can allow herself to trust again.

Ricochet is a full-length novel to be released as three parts.

***This book contains hot sweaty men, sexy scenes for those over 18, and uncomfortable, sometimes violent scenes.***

Ricochet: Friendly Fire (Ricochet, #2)


Ricochet: Extraction Point (Ricochet, #3)


 <a href=10900059_1571780689700518_2425714645475814743_o" width="700" height="467" />

About the Author
Heather Leigh

I grew up in New England and currently live outside Atlanta, GA with my husband, two kids, a French Bulldog and a pug.

I'm a full-time procrastinator and a part-time everything else.

I love the Red Sox, chocolate, and traveling.

When I'm not writing, I'm dealing drugs legally as a pharmacist.

Connect with Heather

Also by Heather C. Leigh


This is NOT your typical Hollywood romance. There are NO virgins falling for actors. There are NO celebrities falling for the girl next door. What there IS, is a damaged girl who is rescued by the sexy Drew Forrester. Can they get past her secret? Or his? 
Sydney Allen is trying to be your average 24 year old New Yorker. It’s hard to be average though when your mother is Evangeline Allen, an Oscar winning actress known as “America’s Sweetheart” to moviegoers across the globe. It’s even harder to be average when your dad is Reid Tannen, Hollywood Bad Boy and one of the highest paid actors in the world. 

Their divorce when Sydney was 12 years old was set off by a series of haunting incidents that left Sydney scarred mentally and physically. Hollywood destroyed her parents’ marriage and almost destroyed her. She hasn't owned a TV, read magazines or watched movies since the divorce, refusing to take part in an industry that brought her so much pain. 

Now 12 years after her mother took her from LA and hid her in New York to keep her safe, no one but her best friend Leah knows who Sydney is or that her parents are famous movie stars and she’s determined to keep it that way. She guards her identity fanatically, not letting anyone get close enough to her to find out who she is. 

When Sydney meets the gorgeous but mysterious Drew Forrester at a run down gym in Hell's Kitchen, her life changes. It’s time for her to decide if he’s worth sharing her secret with, or if she’s better off being alone forever. Or maybe she’ll find out that she’s not the only one hiding something. Dating Drew, Sydney is forced to confront all of her fears at once; celebrity, fame, tabloids, stalkers. Can she survive another high profile exposure to the world? 
***This is the Famous Series Box Set. It contains all 4 books- Relatively, Absolutely, Extremely, and Already Famous.***

love p

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

SPOTLIGHT: The Commitment Test By Amanda Aksel

The Commitment Test
(The Marin Test Series: Book Two) 
Release Date: February 4th, 2015
Publisher: Elephantine Publishing
Genre: Women's Fiction
Purchase on Amazon: http://amzn.to/16b162T 

When a Valentine's Day proposal doesn't come with an engagement ring, Marin Johns begins to wonder if she and James will ever get married. As her closest friends begin to move forward with their lives, she refuses to be left behind.
Hope is restored as she devises a plan to get James down on one knee by becoming the ideal mate. Everything seems to fall into place until her college boyfriend resurfaces after a decade with his own ideas about their future. Will Marin be forced to choose between the man of her dreams and the diamond ring she's always dreamed of?

Amanda Aksel Bio
Amanda Aksel is an author with an affinity for love. Becoming a couples therapist was her "backup" career, and after completing her BA in Psychology she was on her way to solving love's most complicated quandaries one couple at a time. Now she plans to solve love's most complicated quandaries one novel at a time.
Social media links
Twitter: @amandaaksel

Link to buy Amanda's first novel The Man Test (The Marin Test Series: Book One)