This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kristabel will be awarding a $25 Amazon or BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour, and a PDF of one of Kristabel's back list, winner's choice, to a randomly drawn host.
came to the Parisian Fair for adventure...what she found far exceeded her every
expectation. Sex and adventure abound, and Victoria is caught up in the bliss
she, Edmund, and Warren create. She wants more, craves it, but is terrified of
the consequences. Scandal is around every corner; when she meets one head on
will she flee? Or will she realize the power of her ménage is stronger than
merely sex?
Victoria took one last look around the vast exhibition hall
of the Galeries des Machines. The booklet explained the intricacies of the
construction of the hall in great detail, something about a three-pinned hinged
arch. Actually, the booklet droned on quite a bit about it, rendering the
beauty and majesty of the hall bland and boring.
She’d discarded the booklet and focused instead on the
wonderful inventions housed in here, the beauty of the twenty domed arches, and
the incredible amount of light the glass ceiling allowed in. Machines of every
shape and size filled the galerie, and crowds gathered before each one.
They’d spent considerable time in the galerie, it proved
fascinating with its technology and inventions, but she wanted to walk the
grounds. So far she’d managed to only experience a brief walk around the
fairgrounds, and see this galerie and the Egyptian Pavilion. The later had
offered her a glimpse into an erotic world she’d only managed to taste.
Shaking that memory away, Victoria allowed Peter to guide
her out the doors and into the open.
Edmund stood before her, a package in one hand. Small,
wrapped in brown paper and tied with a simple string, it looked like a wrapped
box. Breath caught in her throat, Victoria struggled with what to say.
“Excuse me, Miss,” he said, his low voice flowing over her
like silk. “But I believe it was you who dropped this in the Galeries des
“I don’t—” Victoria trailed off, at a loss with how to
What was he doing here? She wanted to look for Warren,
turned her head to do so but caught Peter’s figure by her side. His looming
presence deterred her and she forced her gaze back to Edmund. Peter continued
to stand next to her, and though Victoria didn’t look up at him, she could see
his frown. Edmund barely glanced at Peter, breaking eye contact with Victoria
for a precious moment.
That heartbeat allowed her to regain some aplomb.
Author Bio & Links
Reed lives on the East Coast and loves to explore the steamier side of
historical romance. Historical ménages in particular-they add an element of
danger and discovery to make them all the hotter. Contemporary ménages are a
world unto themselves, and her upcoming Havenbrook Ménages Series will tell the
tale of a small California town.
She loves
reading, watching old movies, and anything Cary Grant. And is always interested
in talking about erotic romance. Because...yum!
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