Blood of the Dark Moon
by Adrianne
This was a dark erotic tale of magic, vampires, and romance.
Amanda is a graduate student, and loyal devoted follower of the Greek god Apollo. She meets Jessie, another scholar who seems to be interested in her, and her religion.
Amanda believes that their might actually be a connection between her and Jessie. She believes that they might have a chance at a real relationship. She soon realizes that Jessie is more then he seems. That he is not of this world.
Her life takes a turn, and she finds herself in a world she never knew existed. She finds herself bonded to a man, a being that she's not sure she can trust.
I really liked this book. I found myself not wanting to put Blood Of The Dark Moon down. Amanda and Jessie's relationship had real emotion, and raw passion. It felt believable, Amanda was a character you could get invested in, you could imagine yourself in her shoes. You could feel what she felt.
The erotic scenes were smoking hot, and very well written. Ms. Brennan has a woven a fascinating dark fantasy, and I look forward to reading more of her work.
****4 1/2 STARS
Amanda hadn't dated anyone for a while; her studies kept her
from socializing very often. She realized that she hadn't had much time to meet
any potential significant others since high school. This side of things made
what she had hoped would be a nice, professional meeting with an interesting
conversation or two into a not-too-welcome distraction in the least. Amanda
originally envisioned the potential of helping someone with their own research
into the classics, particularly in her fields of study. She sighed, praying
that this wouldn't keep her from finishing her thesis.
She frowned slightly, remembering his earlier words. Amanda
also possessed a strong interest in theurgical practice. Being a devotee of a
Greek deity renowned for oracles and divination, she frequently received dreams
and visions from Him that later proved themselves accurate. Nothing about this
man or her meeting with him came from Apollo in earlier dreams or visions—not a
peep. This struck her as strange and seemed to imply that either this guy would
prove unimportant in the long run and would fade from her life quickly,
or...perhaps the oracular god had reasons for not telling her.
Either way, Jesse piqued her curiosity, and she wished to
know more about him.
He returned with mocha in hand and sat back down in the
chair. "Okay," he stated, "Now where were we?"
"Ancient Greek magick, I believe." She gave him an
inquiring look. After all, this face-to-face meeting came about due to his
Adrianne will be
awarding a $25 E-gift card to Amazon to a randomly drawn commenter during the
Brennan stumbled into her love of writing by accident at the age of ten with a
creative writing assignment for her science class. The end result was a science
fiction comedy featuring numerous puns regarding vegetables. Adrianne's works
were previously published through Aphrodite's Apples Press and are now
published through Freya's Bower, Love You Divine, Running Press/Constable &
Robinson, and Torquere Press. In addition, she is a member of EPIC, Infinite
Worlds of Fantasy Authors, the Midnight Seductions Authors group, and an
alumnus member of Kappa Gamma Psi, a co-ed national professional performing
arts fraternity. The author resides in Boston, Massachusetts with two cats and
a car she has aptly named "the TARDIS." She assures her readers that
people tell her it looks bigger on the inside.